Why flowers should not be plucked at night: Flower Vastu

Why flowers should not be plucked at night

We all have been hearing since childhood that flowers should not be plucked after dark, even touching the trees is prohibited.

Flowers plucking in night: Everyone likes colorful flowers. Just by looking at them one feels like breaking them. But, we all have been hearing since childhood that flowers should not be plucked after dark, even trees Even touching is prohibited. However, many people consider these things to be useless, they think that it does not matter whether the flowers are plucked in the morning or in the evening, but if you know the reasons behind them then you will believe that actually at night. Flower Should not be broken. Know about these reasons-

plants also sleep

We all know that plants also have life. Therefore, just as we sleep at night, plants also sleep at night. Therefore one should not disturb them by touching them at night. Actually, during the day, plants cook food and produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. In this way, after the whole day's activity, plants also need rest in the evening.

Home Gardening in Monsoon
Flowers are considered as living things

CO2 comes out from plants at night

Plants release oxygen during the day and release CO2 at night in the process of respiration. Touching plants at night can disrupt their cycle and have a negative impact on plant growth. It is even said that one should not sleep near trees and plants at night.

insects can bite

In some plants, flowers bloom only at night. Even though their color is dull, their fragrance travels far and wide. Many insects like these are attracted by this fragrance. Therefore, if we go near these flowers at night, many times we are not able to see these insects. These insects can bite us when we pluck flowers. Sometimes it can be even more dangerous. Therefore never try to go near plants at night.

considered sacred

Flowers are offered to the idols of God. That is why they are considered sacred. Rose, lotus, hibiscus, marigold flowers are used every day in temples. Hibiscus is offered to Kali and lotus flower to Lakshmi. These flowers are considered to be the form of God.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you too would have understood why plucking flowers at night is prohibited.


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