The main demand of the 57th State Conference for the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission was accepted by the Central Government.


Capital Lucknow January 20, 2025 Approval of the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission The main demand of the organization has been fulfilled On the acceptance by the Central Government of the major demand of the 57th State Conference of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Teachers Association for the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission, Suresh Kumar, President of the organization, Tripathi, General Secretary Narendra Kumar Verma and Regional Vice President/Spokesperson Dr. RP Mishra have welcomed.

Regional Vice President Spokesperson of the organization Dr. RP Mishra and General Secretary Narendra Kumar Verma said that the three-day 57th State Conference of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Teachers Association was held in Agra on 7, 8 and 9 January 2025, which was inaugurated by the Government of India as the chief guest. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh did it. Union Minister of State Professor SP Singh Baghel also attended the conference as a special guest.

In the state conference, a proposal regarding the demand for formation of the Eighth Pay Commission was presented by the regional vice president and spokesperson of the organization, Dr. RP Mishra, which was passed unanimously by the conference. The proposal passed by the conference regarding the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission was sent to the Central Government by the organization's President Suresh Kumar Tripathi and General Secretary Narendra Kumar Verma and special guest Union Minister of State SP Singh Baghel.

In the meeting of the State Council of the organization, there was also a demand for the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission because the formation of the Seventh Pay Commission was announced by the previous government in 2014, which was said to be implemented from January 01, 2016, hence there is hope. It was being said that the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission would be announced in the year 2024 and it would be implemented from January 1, 2026.

Though belatedly, the present Central Government has announced the formation of the Eighth Pay Commission. Which is welcome.

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