MSG: Why is this taste enhancing Chinese food becoming the enemy of people's lives? know the truth

Chinese Food MSG: From our childhood till today, we often hear about Chinese or Asian food that “It contains Ajinomoto (MSG), which can dull your brain!” This has been going on ever since monosodium glutamate (MSG) was used. But is this flavor enhancer really that dangerous? Let us know about this.

History and Popularity of MSG

MSG was first discovered by Japanese biochemist Kikunae Ikeda in 1908. ikeda it "umami" It was found to be associated with a flavor called dashi, which was the main ingredient in the seaweed broth 'dashi'. Later Ikeda "Ajinomoto" (essence of taste), and soon the seasoning became a household name in Japan. Gradually, it spread to Chinese food and then to western countries as well.

Reality or illusion?

There are many misconceptions about MSG, especially because it is considered harmful for health. In 1968, a report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in which a doctor linked MSG to some of the physical problems experienced after eating at Chinese restaurants. Subsequently, an opinion was formed in western countries against MSG, which "Chinese restaurant syndrome" Was also said.

Do doctors and researchers believe that MSG is harmful?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved MSG as safe. "generally safe" (GRAS). However, some people may experience mild allergy symptoms after consuming MSG, such as headache, sweating, or numbness in the face. But these symptoms are short-lived and do not have any bad effect on most people.

Additionally, some studies suggest that many of the health effects associated with MSG are not associated with any long-term harm. Harvard Medical School report also says that eating small amounts of MSG does not cause any serious problems.

MSG consumption is safe, but what to do?

If you are not sensitive to MSG, there should generally be no problem using it in food. However, because it is commonly found in processed and low-nutrient foods, it is always better to limit its intake and prefer fresh, nutritious foods.

In closing, take the fears and misconceptions about MSG with a pinch of salt and accept it as a normal spice. If you think MSG might cause you a problem, you can remove it from your diet. Enjoy the taste, but keep your health in mind too!

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