After all, what is testosterone hormone, what should be its quantity in women and men, know the advice of health expert.

Health News Desk,Testosterone is a hormone found primarily in men. This hormone is essential to maintain strength and increase physical capacity in men. Its deficiency can have a serious impact on the sexual health of men. However, let us tell you that this hormone is very important for both men and women. In men, testosterone is required in larger amounts, while women require smaller amounts. It is produced mainly in the testicles, ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone plays an important role in regulating sexual function, building muscle mass, maintaining bone density, facial hair, a deep voice, and sperm production. Gynecologist Dr. Nancy Nagpal at Salubritas Med Center explains what happens when there is less or more testosterone in the body and what should be its normal level in men and women?

What happens if you have more or less testosterone?
Low testosterone levels can cause mood swings, decreased sex drive, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, weakened skin, memory problems, and difficulty concentrating. On the other hand, high testosterone levels can lead to mood swings, aggression, infertility, hair loss, excessive body hair growth, fatigue, acne, and an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems.

How much testosterone should men and women have?
The normal testosterone range in men is between 300 and 1000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), varying with age. For men aged 20–24, this range is 409–558 ng/dL; For 25-29 years, it is 413-575 ng/dL; for 30-34 years, 390-498 ng/dL; for 35–39 years, 350–478 ng/dL; and for 40–44 years, 350–473 ng/dL. In women, the normal range is much lower, typically 15–17 ng/dL, and levels may vary depending on the menstrual phase or specific day of the menstrual cycle.

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