Are you bursting with joy? When nature starts giving you these signs, then understand…

Life is a mixture of happiness and sorrow. If you are currently going through a period of sorrow in your life, then understand that the time of happiness will also come soon. Many times a person becomes frustrated while waiting for good times. But nature already gives us some signals, which we often ignore. In such a situation, let us know what signals nature gives before the arrival of good times.

When life loses excitement
If you are no longer interested in the things that used to entertain you earlier, it could be a sign of nature. This means that positive changes are going to come in your life soon.

inclination towards spirituality
When your mind suddenly starts getting attracted towards spirituality and your faith in God, Guru, or religious things increases, then it is a sign that a big change is about to come in your life.

sight of white cow
If a white cow passes or stops outside your house, it is considered an auspicious sign. This symbolizes that good times are about to begin.

Seeing God in dreams or experiencing Aarti.
If you see God in your dreams or it seems that Aarti is happening around you, then understand that it is a message of positive change in your life.

bird sitting or beating on your head
If a bird beats or comes and sits on your head, it means that your big trouble has been averted. This is a sign of auspicious times coming in your life.

hearing the sound of a cuckoo or an owl
If you hear the sound of a cuckoo or an owl in Brahma Muhurta or in your dreams, then it is a sign that your good times are going to start soon. Financial problems can also be resolved.

Bird's passage or turtle's sighting
If while going somewhere a bird suddenly passes in front of you or you see a turtle, then it is considered auspicious. This is a sign of your favorite God's blessings and good fortune.

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