Can drinking two spoons of rum or brandy at night really cure a cold?

Rum for Winter Cough: As soon as the season of cold and cough arrives, people often look for home remedies. Especially at night, when the problem of cold and cough becomes more troublesome, then people turn to old remedies. One such recipe that is popular in many homes is to drink two spoons of rum or brandy at night. It is believed that alcohol relieves throat inflammation and phlegm, and provides relief to the body.

However, the question also arises whether drinking rum or brandy actually provides relief from cold and cough? Is this recipe really effective, or is it just a myth? In this article, we will analyze this remedy from a scientific point of view and know whether this method can help in curing your cold and cough.

Is drinking rum or brandy really helpful?

Rum or brandy contains alcohol, which can act as an antiseptic. However, there is no strong scientific evidence for its use in the treatment of cold or cough. Some people believe that it provides warmth to the body and soothes the throat, but it only gives temporary relief. Alcohol can temporarily soothe throat irritation, but it does not cure the infection.

What does science say?

Science says that consumption of alcohol can give temporary relief to the body, but it is not a solution to the problem of cold and cough. Alcohol consumption can increase irritation in the body, especially if you have a sore throat. Apart from this, it can also affect your immune system, making the body weak in fighting infections.

Alternative remedies to get relief from cold and cough

If you want to get rid of cold and cough, it would be better if you follow scientifically proven measures. Natural remedies such as hot water, honey, ginger, basil, or turmeric may prove more effective. Apart from this, warm soup, herbal tea and adequate rest can also be beneficial for your recovery.

Disclaimer: This article is based on media reports. JBT does not confirm this.

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