Lentil Cauliflower Soup Recipe

A delicious soup recipe that you will love to have in winters and monsoons, Dal Cauliflower Soup is a delicious soup recipe that will warm you up instantly. This appetizer recipe is prepared with masoor dal or red lentils, carrots, chicken stock, cauliflower and squashed tomatoes, and has a wonderful taste and flavour. Everyone will love this dish!

1 cup masoor dal

1 1/2 teaspoon salt

5 cups chicken

2 tbsp salad oil

2 onions

1 tbsp squash

1 cup water

2 cups cauliflower

4 medium carrots

1 teaspoon garlic flakes

1 clove garlic

1/4 cup bread crumbs

1 tomato step 1

Take a saucepan and keep it on low flame. Add chicken stock, salt and pulses and keep it to boil. Lower the flame and let it simmer for a few minutes until the dal becomes soft.

Step 2

On the other hand, cut the carrots into slices and chop them finely. Chop the onion.

step 3

Take another pan and start heating salad oil on medium flame. Cook the carrots and onions until they turn light brown. Add cauliflower, yellow squash and garlic cloves to the pan and continue cooking.

step 4

Next, add chopped tomatoes, bread crumbs and water. Add all the ingredients from the first pan to this pan. Let it boil for some time.

Step 5

When it becomes hot, turn off the flame and serve hot.

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