The person who bought the ticket for Rs 6 won the lottery worth Rs 1 crore, said that now his luck has changed.

The fortunes of a person living in Nagar Bazaar area of ​​Khogram block of Murshidabad have changed. Sometimes the luck of people who invest in lottery shines and sometimes all their money gets wasted. Although one should invest money in lottery keeping in mind the financial condition, but hobbyists like to invest in it.

Bought lottery ticket for only Rs 6

It has been reported that Saleh Muhammad had bought the lottery ticket for only ₹6. He never thought that he would be able to win such a big lottery. He has won a prize of one crore in the lottery. He is a beedi seller and earns his living from this. He told that this victory is like a big dream for him.

He says that he does not have his own house to live. For the last 20 years, he has been running his household by selling beedis. But now their luck has started favoring them. He has said that now he will build a house for himself and his family and will fulfill everyone's dreams.

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