If you start getting these signs, then understand that God is with you, good times are about to come.

Good Time Sign: There are ups and downs in every person's life. All this happens because of the cycle of time. Nothing is stronger than time. In your life you must have seen a person changing from a king to a pauper and from a pauper to a king. Whenever a big change is going to happen in your life, before such big changes you get some signs from God which make you feel that God is with you and he has thought something good for you. Let us know about those special signs that God gives before the arrival of good times-

Sleep opening in Brahma Muhurta

There are many people who regularly open their eyes before waking up. If your sleep is waking up in Brahma Muhurta, it means God is with you and a big change is going to come in your life. This means that you are going to get the path of progress in life. Therefore, you should realize in advance that something good is going to happen in your life.

suddenly happy

Many times you might have noticed that you suddenly feel like being happy. This means you should understand that God is with you. Just as you feel like being happy at this time, similarly God is going to bring happy moments in your life very soon. Whatever sorrow you have seen in your life, it will end very soon.

arrival of mother cow

If Mother Cow is coming to your house every day or begging you for food, then it is a very auspicious sign. If birds and animals are making nests in your house then it is also considered a very auspicious sign. Apart from this, if the chirping of birds around your house is increasing day by day, then this sign is also going to bring positive changes in life very soon.

hearing mantras in dreams

If you hear mantras like Ram Ram in your dreams then it is a sign that God is with you. If the echo of Om mantra is heard then it is also a positive thing. Hearing mantras, bells and conch sounds in dreams is considered a very auspicious sign.

to be in debt

Many times you must have seen that you have become indebted and suddenly you have found a way to get rid of the debt, then it means that God is with you. Or if a decision comes in your favor in a money transaction, then this is also a good sign for life. Having different sources of wealth is also a sign of God. This shows that the financial problems of life are about to end and the arrival of money is going to be very rapid.

having babies at home

It is said that God resides in babies. If small children or infants suddenly smile at you or say something positive to you, then it is a sign that positive things are going to happen in life.

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