A woman from Firozabad consumed poison near the CM residence in Lucknow, admitted to civil hospital

Rukhsana, a resident of Sukhabad Rukundpur in Firozabad, tried to commit suicide by drinking mosquito repellent near the Chief Minister's residence on Saturday morning, accusing the police administration of occupying her house and not taking any action. When her condition deteriorated, the woman was admitted to the Civil Hospital in Lucknow. She is said to be out of danger now.

It is being told that Rukhsana came alone to Lucknow by train in the hope of justice. Here she wanted to plead for justice from the Chief Minister. On Saturday morning she reached near the Chief Minister's residence and drank mosquito repellent. When her condition worsened, the police personnel admitted her to the Civil Hospital Lucknow.

Police-administration accused of not taking action

According to Rukhsana, her husband Rafiq died during the Corona period. After this, Riyazuddin, her brother-in-law's son, started trying to occupy the house. When she did not agree, he asked her to pay Rs 4 lakh. It is alleged that a fake deed was made. Rukhsana has also accused of setting the house on fire. She says that she has been running to the officers' doorsteps for justice for the last five years, but no one is listening to her. Officials from the police to the administration did not listen to her complaint seriously. She had come to Lucknow once before, but her case could not be heard. Rukhsana has three children. She says that she has lost fighting alone, so she lost hope and tried to commit suicide.

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