Alert! The weather is changing, be careful, the outbreak of these 3 diseases has suddenly increased, know the symptoms and prevention from the doctor

New Delhi : The weather is changing, be careful… These days doctors are giving such advice to people. The reason is that due to viral infection, there has been an increase in the number of patients suffering from high fever, body ache and cough-cold. The big thing is that if a person gets cold and cough, then the healthy people around him also get affected by this disease. Not only this, a large number of suspected dengue patients are also coming to many hospitals in Delhi.

If these are not treated in time, then the situation can become serious at times. In such a situation, self-protection is very important. Now the question is how to avoid cold and viral fever? What things should be taken care of? Dr. Amitesh Agarwal, Medicine Unit Head of GTB Hospital Delhi, is telling about this-

Dr. Amitesh Agarwal explains that, after summer comes rain, after rain comes winter, after winter comes summer again. This is the sequence of seasons, which will continue forever. Therefore, we have to adapt according to the season. Because, the beginning of any season can be harmful for health. The main reason for this is that, our body is not fully prepared to go from one season to another. In such a situation, it has a direct impact on our immunity. As a result, we start getting sick. Actually, due to weak immunity, viruses or bacteria easily attack. This leads to an increase in viral fever, cold, sore throat. Although viral gets cured on its own in 2-4 days. But, if the condition of bacterial infection worsens, then a doctor should be contacted immediately.

The outbreak of post viral cough with mucus is troubling people. In this, people are having severe cough and mild fever even 4-5 days after the viral fever is cured. This cough is lasting for a long time. According to the doctor, cough can persist even after viruses like cold or flu. This is called post viral cough. This mostly happens due to infection in the upper respiratory system.

In most cases, the cough is less in the morning and starts increasing after noon. Along with this, symptoms like headache, tearing in the eyes, burning sensation or feeling of heat in the body are also seen. Post viral cough can last from 3 to 8 weeks. Therefore, if your cough is not getting cured for a long time, do not panic or think negatively. Consult a doctor and get yourself examined.

Usually, in case of fever and body pain, people buy medicines from medical stores without consulting a doctor, which can be dangerous. However, Delhi's Drug Control Department has asked all medical store operators not to sell these painkillers without a doctor's prescription and to keep a record of them.

According to experts, all three drugs, aspirin, diclofenac and ibuprofen, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are painkillers. Aspirin is also given to thin the blood. It rapidly reduces platelets. Since platelets are already reduced in dengue fever, taking this medicine can cause bleeding. Therefore, no medicine should be taken without medical advice.

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