Another incident like Shraddha murder case, 30 pieces of Mahalakshmi's body found in the fridge in Bengaluru…

-Bengaluru Murder Case: Another incident like Shraddha Walker murder case in Bengaluru

Bengaluru. Bengaluru Murder Case: Another incident like Shraddha Walker murder case has happened in Bengaluru. 30 pieces of a woman's body were found in a flat. The body parts were kept in the fridge. The woman's name is Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi was living separately from her husband Hemant Das for the last 9 months. Now in this case, the deceased woman's husband Hemant Das has made a big claim.

The wife had an affair with a young man named Ashraf and it is being said that he killed her and chopped the body into pieces and kept it in the fridge. Hemant Das said that he met her a month ago when he went to meet his daughter. Hemant said that Mahalakshmi was in a relationship with Ashraf for a few months and was living with him in a flat.

Mahalakshmi's body was found in 30 pieces in the flat. When it came to light that a foul smell was coming from the flat (Bengaluru Murder Case), then people felt that something had happened. When the matter came to light, Mahalakshmi had died and everyone was shocked. When the police reached the flat, they also found a bag kept there. The police suspect that the accused had planned to cut Mahalakshmi's body into pieces.

Who is Ashraf?

Ashraf is a resident of Uttarakhand. He used to work in a shop in Bengaluru. Hemant Das said that his marriage with Mahalakshmi lasted only 6 months. After this, both of them started living separately. After this, Mahalakshmi filed a complaint against him and stopped coming to Bengaluru. Hemant Das claimed that his wife and Ashraf had an affair. Hemant suspected that Ashraf had committed the murder.

What did the police say?

Bangalore Police Commissioner Dayanand said that the police is investigating further in the Mahalakshmi murder case. The accused has been identified and efforts are being made to arrest him. However, the police refused to give information about the accused. He said that the accused is a foreigner and we cannot give more information about him.

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