Are you also a victim of work overload? Know the signs: Signs to be Overburdened

Are you also a victim of work overload? Know the signs

Due to work pressure, we may have to face many problems. Many times we are not able to understand that we are victims of overburden. But it is important to know this so that you can overcome it in time.

Sign to be overburdened: It is completely normal to feel a little tired after work. Often we ignore it. But, sometimes you can become a victim of overload due to continuous fatigue and working more than your capacity despite low energy level. Its effect is visible not only on the quality of your work, but also on your physical and mental health. Due to work pressure, we may have to face many types of problems. Many times we are not able to understand that we are victims of overload. But it is important to know this so that you can recover from it in time. Know the signs that indicate that you are overloaded-

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Sign to be Overburdened-Infertility Emotional Journey
It may cause anxiety and depression

Due to high work pressure, one starts having problems like stress and insomnia. Gradually, it starts taking the form of depression. Its effect starts showing on our speech and thoughts. Negativity starts increasing in our speech. Due to depression and anxiety, people start seeing shortcomings in others and start looking for excuses to argue over small things.

Loss of appetite

You may feel tired while working

Due to excessive work, appetite gets affected and one feels less hungry. This also affects the digestive system. One does not feel hungry at the right time. Sometimes skipping meals seems normal. Instead of eating, people often resort to tea or coffee so that they can get energy to work.

impact on productivity

affect your workingaffect your working
It may affect your working

Many times we are not able to prioritize our work due to excess workload. Sometimes, while trying to complete many tasks at once, even important tasks are not completed properly. We are not able to focus on our work properly. Due to high workload, its effect starts showing on the overall performance.

isolate yourself

In an attempt to prove themselves different and better than others, most people become victims of overload. In an attempt to impress their seniors with their work, such people start isolating themselves from the team, due to which their social circle starts shrinking.

Distance from family and friends

Due to high work pressure, we are not able to give proper time to our family and friends. People often remain busy with office work even on weekends. Sometimes its effect starts showing on our relationships as well.

One Sided RelationshipOne Sided Relationship
It may worsen your relationship

If you are also seeing such symptoms in yourself, then be careful, because it may be due to your work overload. To maintain balance in personal and professional life, it is important to work according to your ability.

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