Are you also making these 4 mistakes? Know how these can weaken your child's brain

Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips: As the times are changing, the way of raising children is also changing. If we talk about earlier times, earlier parents were not able to pay so much attention to their children, children used to become intelligent and smart on their own.

But now the times have completely changed and all the parents have become very cautious about their children. All parents wish that their child should be well educated, learn good values ​​and progress in life. Due to this, parents provide every facility to the children, so that the children do not have to face any kind of problem. But still, due to some mistakes made by parents knowingly or unknowingly, children get spoiled.

emotional needs

Many times parents ignore the emotional needs of their children. No matter how busy you are, give time to listen and understand the children.

What can you do for this? For this, try to spend time with your children every day, talk to them, ask them what they have done throughout the day. In this way children will be able to share their feelings with you.

home environment

Keep in mind that the environment at home has a great impact on children. Children adapt to the environment of their home.

Therefore, a positive atmosphere should always be maintained at home. Fights, disagreements, arguments and negativity greatly affect the mental health of children.

eating out

In today's time, the lifestyle of not only the elders but also the children is deteriorating. Children do not like home food at all, they always like to eat chips and crisps from outside, which are very unhealthy. If you want your children to remain healthy and eat healthy food, then you will also have to stop eating outside food.

more screen time

Nowadays, whichever child you look at, you see mobile phones in their hands. If there is no mobile phone, then children start watching TV again.

In this way, children's eyes get damaged at a very young age due to watching the screen for a long time, and as they grow up, they have to face many problems.


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