Don't make these mistakes while donating, otherwise you will not get the virtue.
Astro Tips: In religious scriptures, charity has been considered the most effective measure of virtue, because it brings happiness and prosperity in a person's life. However, before donating it is important to know at what time and what type of donation is beneficial. Donation made without the right feeling and purpose is never beneficial. Donation is fruitful only when it is done free from selfishness and at the right time.
If a person shows any negative emotion or any kind of ego while donating, then there is no virtue in that donation. Also, the right way and purpose of donating is also important, so that it leads to true virtue and brings prosperity in the person's life. the scriptures It is said that if a person commits three types of mistakes while donating, he does not get any benefit. Let us know about those mistakes.
Also read: Why is donation important?: Benefits of Donation
first mistake
It is clearly stated in the scriptures that charity should always be done with one's own money or with the things one has purchased. If you donate someone else's money, then you will not get the result, but the person whose money you donated will get it. This rule is because a person's hard work, honesty and purity are important in charity. When you donate with your own money, it adds an element of spiritual satisfaction and virtue that donation with someone else's money cannot bring.
second mistake
The glory of keeping charity secret has been mentioned in the scriptures. When a person makes a donation, he should never publicize it publicly. The importance of donation increases only when it is done without any publicity, because such donation is associated with spiritual purity and truthfulness. If you donate Rs 5 and publicize it to the extent of Rs 5 lakh, then according to the scriptures you will not get any virtue for it. Donation has real value only when it is kept secret and done without any greed or publicity.
third mistake
The third important thing that should be kept in mind while donating is not to judge the person in front of you. While donating, it is important that we do not evaluate a person's circumstances, his social status or his ability. Donation should be done according to one's capacity and not according to the need of the other person. According to the scriptures, the real value of charity lies in its purity and sincerity, and not in the expectations or personal thoughts of the person doing it. There should be no discrimination in charity, because the purpose of donating is only to attain virtue and help others.
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