Attention Are you also eating bread daily? Risk of these diseases may increase

Bread health risks: Nowadays, bread has become an important part of breakfast in almost every household. People consume it regularly, but do you know that it is not always beneficial for health? Recently, many information have come to light regarding the effects of bread on health. Somewhere there is confusion regarding bread whether it is healthy or not? Despite the nutrients of bread, there is disagreement among health experts about it.

Today we will tell you what effect eating bread daily can have on your health. Some experts believe that bread contains important nutrients like folate, iron, B vitamins, and fiber, which can be beneficial for the body. However, excessive consumption of bread can have adverse effects on health. So let us know how consumption of bread can affect your health.

Bread contains these nutrients

Bread contains many important nutrients which provide energy to the body. The nutrients present in it include:

  • Calories: 82

  • Protein: 4 grams

  • Total Fat: 1 gram

  • Fat: 0 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 14 grams

  • Fiber: 2 grams

  • Sugar: 1 gram

Disadvantages of eating bread on an empty stomach

1. High blood sugar may increase

Eating bread daily on an empty stomach can increase blood sugar levels. The high glycemic index of bread can cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly. "Amylopectin A present in bread increases sugar levels, which can increase the risk of diabetes, kidney stones and heart disease." Say experts.

2. Bad cholesterol levels increase

Bread contains less amount of Vitamin E and fiber, which has the effect of increasing the level of bad cholesterol in your body. This can lead to heart disease and other health problems. If you consume bread regularly then bad cholesterol in your body may increase.

3. Risk of weight gain

Eating bread daily can slow down the body's metabolism, which can lead to the problem of weight gain. There may be problem of constipation in the beginning, then due to low metabolic rate, protein and fat start accumulating in the body. Apart from this, carbohydrates start converting into sugar, which can cause weight gain. Especially white bread can be the main reason for weight gain.

Expert advice

While consuming bread, it is important to keep in mind that it should be eaten in balanced quantity. Especially choosing brown bread or multi-grain bread can be more beneficial. However, eating just bread on an empty stomach can cause health problems, so it should always be eaten as part of a balanced diet.

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