Bachelor skeleton comes out of grave and marries girls, people found unique way for physical happiness

New Delhi. Marriage is considered a lifelong bond between two people. In India, not only boys and girls but also families are completely involved in marriage. Single people start their new world after marriage. In a country with a large population like India, there are many wedding traditions in different places. Everyone gets married following their traditions. Similarly, there are many countries in the world which have their own methods. One of them is marrying a dead body.

bachelor boy marriage

Many types of traditions regarding marriage are followed in the world. There are many of them, people will be surprised to know about them. One such tradition is in China, which is about 3 thousand years old. Under this tradition, if an unmarried boy dies, he gets married even after his death. In China it is named Ghost Wedding.

Happiness comes after marriage

In this, a dead bachelor boy is married to a dead unmarried girl. People here also celebrate it a lot. People believe that a boy or a girl who dies without marriage, spends his next life unhappy. In such a situation, the bones of the girl are put in the grave of the dying bachelor. With this, both of them will be able to enjoy the happiness after marriage even after death. This practice has been going on in China since the time of Han dynasty. Hindu girl got happiness by getting her pregnant again and again! Asif got pregnant after having a constant relationship, kicked her in the name of marriage; A woman from a Muslim country took a royal bath, applied tilak and sandalwood and said such a thing for India; the most powerful Islamic country is shocked.

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