Bamboo leaves are a panacea for sugar patients, will eliminate high cholesterol, will bring glow to the face, scientists claimed..

New Delhi:- There are many trees and plants around us that have been used medicinally for centuries. These also include bamboo grass. Yes, bamboo wood is used to make roofs of houses in villages starting from Dantamanjana. But do you know that not only the bamboo tree but its leaves are also very beneficial. Yes, bamboo leaves have many medicinal properties which help in eliminating many health related problems. By consuming them, everything from diabetes to obesity can be controlled. These leaves can also provide effective relief from respiratory problems. Consuming bamboo leaves can prove to be very beneficial for health. So let us know about the health benefits of bamboo leaves…

Beneficial for diabetic patients

Consumption of bamboo leaves has proved to be very beneficial for diabetic patients. It has been mentioned in the National Library of Medicine. Fiber-rich bamboo leaves help control blood sugar levels. Their consumption helps in preventing insulin spike in the body, which is beneficial in diabetes. If you have diabetes, you can drink tea made from bamboo leaves with the advice of your doctor.

reduce cholesterol

With high levels of fiber and very few calories per serving, bamboo shoots are a great way to lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. This, in turn, may reduce your risk of heart disease.

relief from mouth ulcers

Bamboo leaves can also be consumed to remove mouth ulcers. To use it, grind bamboo leaves thoroughly. Take out its extract, then add 2 spoons of honey in it and apply it on the affected area. By doing this continuously for a few days, you can get rid of mouth ulcers.

Provide relief from dry cough

If you are suffering from dry cough then bamboo leaves can prove beneficial for you. Not only this, by using it one can also get relief from respiratory problems. For this, dry and grind the bamboo leaves, then prepare the powder and keep it in a jar. Consume it daily by mixing it with honey.

improve digestion

Consuming bamboo leaves can provide relief from digestive problems. If you are suffering from problems like gas, constipation, bloating or diarrhea then you can drink tea or decoction made from bamboo leaves. This provides a lot of relief to the stomach.

Get rid of skin related problems
Skin related problems can be cured by using bamboo leaves. For this, grind fresh bamboo leaves. By applying this paste one can get relief from skin related problems. Apart from this, it also helps in keeping the skin healthy.

Bamboo leaves can also be consumed in this way…

Many companies sell bamboo powder or pre-dried bamboo for use in cooking. However, if you choose to purchase fresh bamboo, it is important to know how to prepare it for use…

Fresh bamboo contains toxins that are poisonous to humans, so bamboo should not be eaten raw. Instead, it should be cut and boiled in salted water before using. After boiling the bamboo shoots for at least 20 minutes, you can peel off the leaves and soak the soft part inside the bamboo in water for 30 minutes. Now it is ready to be used in your food or kept in the refrigerator for a week.

Once you start using bamboo in your food, you'll start to appreciate its flavor and be able to incorporate it into dishes you already know and love. Here are some delicious ways to include the tender bamboo plant in your diet:

Can be cooked with meat and vegetables

You can make pickle out of it

You can boil it and eat it

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