Beauty tips: If you are troubled by dark lips, then by following these tips your lips will become soft and pink.

Lips help in enhancing the beauty of the face. Whereas if it is black, dry and cracked then the face looks very ugly. Today we are going to tell you some such tips by following which you can remove the blackness of your lips and make them pink.

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For this you can use turmeric and milk on the lips. Mix one spoon milk and a pinch of turmeric in a bowl. Apply it on the lips and leave it for five to ten minutes. Then wash.

Apart from this, blackness of lips can also be removed with honey and sugar. Prepare a scrub by mixing one spoon honey and one spoon sugar. Rub this scrub on the lips with your fingers. Rub with light hands. Doing this twice a week will clear the black layer on the lips.

Lips will start looking soft and pink. You can also make a scrub by mixing lemon and sugar together. To make this scrub, mix equal amounts of sugar and lemon juice. If you apply this mixture on the lips regularly for a few days, the lips will start looking pink.

Beetroot juice can be applied on the lips as it is. Beetroot juice can also be mixed with aloe vera gel and applied on the lips. You can apply it on the lips at night.

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