Pakistani beggars have become a cause of tension in Saudi Arabia, Hajj ministry wrote a letter and warned of action

Dubai: Saudi Arabia has warned Pakistan about beggars. A large number of people from Pakistan go on religious pilgrimages, but after staying there they start begging. The Saudi Kingdom is considering this a big problem. Saudi Arabia has asked Pakistan to control them and if this is not done then some restrictions can also be imposed.

In fact, the Hajj Ministry of Saudi Arabia has written a letter to the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pakistan, in which they have given strict instructions to control entry into Saudi on Umrah visa. In response to this, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pakistan has decided to bring the Umrah Act, so that travel agencies that usually do visa and other work can be given the responsibility of monitoring it.

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Saudi has also appealed to the Pakistani government to find such measures so that beggars cannot enter Saudi Arabia on the pretext of religious pilgrimage. In a meeting with Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Saeed Ahmed al-Malki last year, Pakistan's Home Minister Mohsin Naqvi had assured that strict action would be taken against the mafias sending beggars to Pakistan.

Responsibility assigned to National Investigation Agency

Pakistan has given the responsibility of cracking down on this network to its National Investigation Agency. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan Affairs Zeeshan Khanzada said that most of the people go to Saudi Arabia on Umrah visa and get involved in begging activities there. Often action is also taken against them.

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Only last month it was revealed that 11 so-called beggars were on a flight to Saudi Arabia, who were deboarded. During interrogation, they also admitted that their purpose was to beg in Saudi Arabia. Similarly, in 2022, 16 so-called beggars on a plane were deboarded and arrested. It is also common that most of these pickpockets are Pakistanis.

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