Benefits of drinking radish juice: Radish juice helps in getting rid of all the problems of the body.

Benefits of drinking radish juice: Drinking nutrient-rich radish juice provides many benefits to the body. Radish juice contains many nutrients including calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate and iron which are very important for the body.

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Wash radish and its leaves thoroughly and cut them. After this, add some ginger and some water and grind it in a mixer. Now filter this juice in a glass. After this, add black salt and one-fourth teaspoon black pepper powder to the juice and drink it.

Drinking radish juice improves immunity. Also, Vitamin C is found in radish juice, which helps in keeping the body away from seasonal diseases like cough and cold. Vitamin C in radish juice also controls dangerous free radicals, inflammation and premature aging process.

Apart from this, if you want to lose weight then consuming radish juice on an empty stomach in the morning can be beneficial. Radish is found in high amounts of fiber and has low calories. The anti-inflammatory properties present in it help in reducing the swelling caused in the body due to obesity.

Apart from this, consuming radish juice improves digestion. Fiber is found in large quantities in radish, which relieves the problem of constipation and gas and improves digestion. Drinking radish juice helps in purifying the blood. Anthocyanin compound in radish helps in improving blood circulation.

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