Benefits of sesame oil: Sesame oil is beneficial not only for health but also for hair and skin.

Sesame oil is used in most of the homes for cooking or worship etc. Sesame seeds contain many nutrients which give its oil antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from this, sesame oil is very beneficial for health.

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Sesame oil is used in cosmetic products. Helps in removing many problems of skin and hair. History's famous Ayurveda expert and royal physician of Kushan kingdom, Charak, has written in his book 'Charak Samhita Sutrasthan' that a person who regularly applies sesame oil on his head, does not suffer from headache, baldness, graying of hair or hair fall. There are no such problems.

The health of his hair and scalp is especially improved. His hair is black, long and thick. Applying lukewarm sesame oil on the head and massaging it gently from the roots to the hair helps in getting good sleep. Stress also goes away. Wash your head after half an hour.

Along with Neem oil, sesame oil is also used for hair. Neem oil is also very beneficial for the hair which gets absorbed better in the hair with the help of sesame oil.

A mixture of sesame oil and sweet almond oil is also used for deep conditioning. Because almond oil is a rich source of fatty acids. Both the oils can be mixed in equal quantity and used for hair massage.

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Leave it on the hair for 30-40 minutes before washing it with a mild cleanser. Coconut oil is also a deep conditioner. Using it with sesame oil helps in healing damaged hair. For this treatment, mix both the oils in equal parts and massage the hair. Leave it on your hair for 30-40 minutes before washing it off with a mild cleanser.

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