Beyond irregular periods: Gynaecologist lists most unnoticed PCOS symptoms

New Delhi: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects countless women. It often causes several changes in your body such as hormonal imbalance, irregular menstrual cycle, excessive facial hair growth, weight gain, thinning of the hair strands, and skin problems. PCOS negatively affects an individual’s ovaries. Over the period it can lead to the formation of small fluid-filled sacs also known as cysts on the ovaries. Detecting PCOS at its early stage is crucial for timely intervention. This can be achieved by actively keeping track of the symptoms experienced. Neglecting these symptoms as a minor convenience can worsen your condition.

When it comes to PCOS, most people believe that skipping periods is the only sign. However, debunking this myth, Dr Kalpana Gupta, Senior Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist, Laparoscopist, and infertility specialist, Medicover Hospital, Navi Mumbai, listed other signs as well.

Signs and symptoms of PCOS

  1. Irregular periods: Having menstrual cycles that are irregular or delayed can indicate PCOS in women. This means that your ovaries may be unable to release eggs regularly. Some may even experience heavy bleeding for an extended period. The irregularity can be caused due to hormonal imbalances in the body.
  2. Hirsutism: It is when excessive hair starts to grow in areas where it usually doesn’t such as the face, chest, or back. One may feel extremely conscious about their appearance resulting in self-doubt and poor self-image. Hirsutism occurs when there is a rise in androgen levels in the body which further stimulates the hair follicles resulting in increased hair growth.
  3. Acne and oily skin: It is quite common for women with PCOS to experience severe skin problems like stubborn acne, and oily skin. Hormonal imbalance can be the culprit to blame for these skin woes. The androgen hormone increases the production of oil (sebum) in the skin. Over time this can clog the skin pores resulting in persistent acne that sustains for a longer duration.
  4. Fluctuation in the weight: Many women suffering from PCOS are often seen complaining about unintended weight gain despite trying various diet plans and extensive workout regimes. The insulin resistance due to PCOS can lead to weight gain or weight loss in these women.
  5. Infertility: If you are someone who is actively trying to conceive but isn’t able to even after continuous efforts the PCOS is to be blamed. One may struggle in getting pregnant due to irregular ovulation which can significantly reduce the chances of conceiving naturally.
  6. Excess production of androgen hormones: Increased levels of male hormones such as testosterone can exacerbate symptoms like acne, hair thinning, and excessive hair growth (hirsutism). Women with PCOS have higher androgen levels which are comparatively less in women. This can have a significant impact on their hair and skin.

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