Beyond sleep deprivation: Dermatologist says dark circles a sign of allergies

New Delhi: Dark circles are often seen as a consequence of sleep deprivation and fatigue. Turns out, that discolouration of the skin that appears beneath the eyes or even eye bags are signs of health problems that go beyond only sleep deprivation. According to dermatologists, there could be many reasons why the thinner skin beneath the lower eyelid starts to appear darker. Experts blame the following as well:

  1. Smoking
  2. Ageing
  3. Genetics
  4. Smoking

In a surprising case shared on TikTok, a woman revealed that her dermatologist narrowed it down to allergies that run in the family, and this too, after just examining bags under the eyes. Her family had a history of eczema, asthma, and hay fever and all of these had a direct association with dark circles.

How do allergies raise the risk of dark circles?

According to experts, congestion of blood vessels is one of the key causes of dark circles. They conventionally produce a pigment which shows that allergies run in the family. These shiners, also known as allergic gancies and periorbital hyperpigmentation are a consequence of congestion in the sinus and nose which also congest small veins beneath the eyes. Dark circles can also be caused by:

  1. Dust allergy
  2. Hay fever
  3. Nasal allergy
  4. Food allergies

However, it is not certain that every person with a nasal allergy will develop shiners. These are most likely to appear in the form of discomfort that can also affect the eyes. Along with dark circles, other symptoms include:

  1. Itchy throat
  2. Watery eyes
  3. Itchy eyes
  4. Nasal congestion
  5. Runny nose
  6. Sinus pressure
  7. Itching on the roof of the mouth

These symptoms can occur when allergies trigger dark circles. According to the NHS, some forms of allergies can be life-threatening and may result in anaphylaxis, which obstructs breathing. Doctors say that in case of allergic reactions, one must reach out to emergency services ASAP, especially when the following symptoms appear:

  1. Difficulty swallowing
  2. Difficulty breathing
  3. Swelling in the mouth, on the lips, tongue and throat
  4. Dizziness
  5. Drowsiness
  6. Skin or tongue turning blue, pale, purple

It is imperative to diagnose an allergy well in time to prevent a long-term health risk. This can also heighten death risk in the long run.

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