Big win for India against Pakistan: Expert maintains New Delhi's stance on Indus Water Treaty

In a major victory for India against Pakistan regarding the dispute over Indus Water Treaty, a neutral expert has upheld India's stand on key points, dealing a major blow to Pakistan. In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs welcomed the decision. The Ministry of External Affairs said that it has been India's consistent and principled stand that only a neutral expert has the competence to decide these differences under the treaty.

“India welcomes the decision given by the Neutral Expert under Paragraph 7 of Annex F to the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960. “This decision upholds India’s position and confirms that all seven (07) questions referred to the Neutral Expert in relation to the Kishanganga and Ratle Hydroelectric Projects are differences within his competence under the Treaty,” MEA. Said.

The Ministry of External Affairs said that the neutral expert retained his qualifications, which is in line with India's view. “…The neutral experts will now proceed to the next (merits) phase of their proceedings. This phase will conclude with a final decision on the merits of each of the seven differences,” the Ministry of External Affairs said.

The Ministry of External Affairs said India is committed to maintaining the sanctity and integrity of the treaty and will continue to participate in the neutral expert process so that differences are resolved in a manner consistent with the provisions of the treaty, which provides for parallel proceedings on similar issues. Doesn't. “For this reason, India does not recognize or participate in the proceedings of the illegally constituted arbitration court. The Governments of India and Pakistan are also in touch on the matter of amendment and review of the Indus Waters Treaty under Article XII (3) of the Treaty,” the Ministry of External Affairs clarified.

Under the Indus Water Treaty, India manages the three eastern rivers – Ravi, Sutlej and Beas, while Pakistan oversees the three western rivers – Jhelum, Chenab and Indus. India is required to allow the flow of water from western rivers to Pakistan with some limited exceptions. However, Pakistan has been objecting to India's rights and challenging the treaty in several global forums.

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