Birth Anniversary Special: The name of the eternal poet 'Dinkar' will remain as long as the Sun exists in the universe

Obnews Desk: Today, Monday 23 September is the 116th birth anniversary of that Indian poet whose poems showered fire on one hand and nectar of love on the other. He wrote keeping love, revolution, energy and rebellion parallel. His works may be 100 years old but they are equally relevant even today.

We are talking about that poet who when wrote Karna embarked on the 'Rashmirath' of literature. When he described 'Kurukshetra', people saw Mahabharata in Kaliyug. When he wrote 'Urvashi', he touched the highest peak of romance. Not only this, when he recited the poem from the ramparts of Red Fort, every pore of the body throbbed with patriotism. By now you must have recognized him. We are talking about national poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.

A childhood spent in struggles

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, popularly known as 'Rashtrakavi', was born on 23 September 1908 in a farmer family in Simaria village of Begusarai district of Bihar. His childhood was full of struggle where he had to walk to the Ganga Ghat to go to school and then cross the Ganga and go back on foot.

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After passing BA examination from Patna University, he first became a teacher for his livelihood and then worked as a sub-registrar in the Bihar government. He worked in the war propaganda department of the British government and kept writing poems against them. After independence, he went to Muzaffarpur College as the head of the Hindi department.

Twice elected Rajya Sabha MP

In 1952, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha where he served as a Member of Parliament for two terms. After this, he was appointed Vice Chancellor of Bhagalpur University and a year later, the Government of India called him back to Delhi by appointing him as its Hindi advisor.

How did the poet's life begin?

The poetic journey of Dinkar, a poet of vigour, rebellion, anger and tender romantic feelings, began during his high school days when he started sending his works under the pen name 'Amitabh' to the newspaper 'Yuvak' published by Ramvriksh Benipuri. 'Bardoli-Vijay' Sandesh published in 1928 was his first collection of poems.

'Dinkar' will remain till Dinkar is there

If I start mentioning the rest of Dinkar's poems and works, then perhaps the sun will turn from sunrise to sunset. But the day of Dinkar's works will not end. Because in Hindi literature, 'Dinkar' is such a sun that rose on 23 September 1908 and his body also set on 24 April 1974. But his poems are still shining like light in the literary sky and perhaps as long as Dinkar is in the universe, they will keep 'Dinkar' alive.

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