Be alert immediately! Sun God is going to change zodiac sign after three days, it will be inauspicious for these people

Surya Transit: According to astrology, change in zodiac sign of any planet is considered very special. Sun God is considered the king of eclipse. Sun God is going to change the zodiac sign very soon which will be very inauspicious. The entry of Sun God into Libra is going to be very inauspicious for the people of these four zodiac signs. On October 17, Sun God, the king of the planets, will enter Libra. Sun is changing into its lowest sign which is not considered good.

Cancer zodiac sign:There will be ups and downs in career. Unnecessary discord may arise in the family. Be a little careful about your family life. Have been spared from taking any major decisions.

Scorpio:You may consider changing your job; before taking any decision, take advice from a few people. Spend wisely otherwise you will have to face problems in future. The change in Sun’s zodiac sign will not be good for your zodiac sign at all.

Leo:You may feel at a loss due to lack of support from your colleagues. Screen related illness may bother you. Work pressure may be imposed on you.

Capricorn:You will have to avoid investing and take care of your health. Fights and quarrels with spouse may increase. Control your anger and speech. The financial condition of Capricorn sign people may worsen. There may be discord between husband and wife

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