Oh my God! In this country, people keep dangerous cobras instead of dogs and cats, read the secret behind this

Many people are fond of keeping pets like cats, dogs, rabbits and rats in their homes. People keep these speechless animals in their homes with great love like their family members. In return, these speechless animals return love to them, but have you ever seen anyone keeping a poisonous cobra as a pet?

People’s souls tremble at the sight of snakes

People get scared on hearing the name of snakes. These snakes look very dangerous and are deadly too. Their poison is so dangerous that if they bite once, it becomes difficult for a person to survive. That is why people are very cautious about them but today we will tell you about a village where people keep dangerous snakes in their homes with great love.

People of this village keep snakes

Although India is a religious country, where forests, rivers, mountains and many living creatures are worshipped, people have faith in snakes too. People worship them as Lord Shankar, but today we are not going to tell you about snake worship but about a village where snakes are raised lovingly like dogs and goats.

One or two cobras will definitely be found in every house in the village

Now let us know about that village as well. Let us tell you that there is a village named Setpal in Maharashtra, India where people keep poisonous cobras in their homes with great love. The population of this village is two and a half thousand and you will definitely find one or two cobras in everyone’s house. Where every child plays with a cobra in his hand.

Read the reason behind it

People living in this village believe that these cobras do not harm them, that is why they allow their children to play with them. People of this village consider cobras auspicious. People believe that if a cobra resides in their house, then nothing bad can happen to them.

The people of the village love cobra very much

The people of this village love cobras so much that they keep a special place in their house so that any cobra can live there. Just like common people make houses for dogs and cats in their houses, in the same way, the people of this village keep a special place in their house for cobras to live.

This village is famous in the world because of this specialty

Due to this specialty of this village, it has become famous all over the world. Now people from all over the country and abroad come to this village as tourists. At the same time, the people of the village are also very cautious and keep the people coming from outside away from these snakes.

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