Boyfriend ready for love but shying away from marriage? Understand these 5 signs and become alert in time

relationship tips : After being in a relationship for a long time, everyone wants that every relationship should result in marriage. Many times girls are eager to get married, but their boyfriends are hesitant. If your boyfriend is also feeling this confusion then it means that he is not yet ready to take a big decision like marriage. In this article, we will tell you about some such signs which will help you understand whether your partner is ready for marriage or not.

reunite with family
If your partner is hesitant in introducing you to his family, then you need to consider this matter seriously. When a person is serious about a relationship, he wants to introduce his partner to his most important people. If your partner is repeatedly postponing your meeting with his family, then it may be possible that your partner is not ready to take the relationship forward.

Reluctance to know about your family
If your boyfriend seems reluctant to know about your family, you should think twice before pursuing the relationship. If your boyfriend is not showing much interest in knowing or understanding your family then it is a big sign that he is not ready for marriage yet.

excuses for marriage
Marriage is a big decision, but many people take a lot of time to mentally prepare for this decision. If your partner also always makes new excuses to avoid marriage, like 'we will get married after this work is completed', 'marriage first after career' etc… then it is possible that he is not ready for marriage now. Don't be. Most of such excuses can be related to personal or professional life.

while seeking time for marriage
Often we hear that I cannot get married until I am completely settled. If your boyfriend is doing a good job and is asking for time for marriage despite being settled in his life, then it is possible that he is not ready for a big decision like marriage yet.

Ready to live in but refuses to marry
Live in relationship can be an option to know each other, but it is not the only option for marriage. If your boyfriend always insists on living together and avoids talking about marriage, then it is a sign that he is not ready for marriage yet. It may be that your boyfriend wants to avoid the responsibilities of marriage or focus on his career.

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