Butterflies created a new world with tigers, scientists saw 100 new species in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve…

Umaria: – Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is known for the roar of tigers. It is making its own identity as the new habitat of elephants. Now the deer have also started liking Bandhavgarh a lot, and now a unique world of butterflies has also been found here. Some of which are of very rare species.

More than 100 species of butterflies found

PK Verma, Deputy Director of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, says that “For the first time, a survey of butterflies has been conducted in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. Butterflies were surveyed in the forests of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve for 2 days. Butterfly experts from different parts of the country conducted the survey by roaming around in the forests. However, it cannot be called exact data right now because the online and offline surveys of the butterflies surveyed are yet to be completed, but the rough data that has come shows that more than 100 species of butterflies have been found, some of which are very rare and endangered, which are found here very rarely and are not easily found everywhere, are rarely seen.

These are rare species of butterflies

PK Verma, Deputy Director of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, says that “The rare species of butterflies found include Common Red Eye, Black Raja, Forget Me Not, King Crow, Indian Dot. These are such rare species of butterflies that are not easily found anywhere. They are found in very rare places. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve has a good atmosphere for them and they were found here during the survey. Which is a matter of happiness for Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, as well as a big achievement for those who were butterfly experts.

Survey done in 1500 square kilometers

PK Verma, Deputy Director of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, says that “This is the first time a butterfly survey has been conducted here. This survey has been conducted in the entire 1500 square kilometer area of ​​Bandhavgarh. There are 9 ranges in Bandhavgarh, including core and buffer, all have been surveyed. 60 butterfly experts came from different parts of the country, Noida, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka and 20 teams of them were formed.

This is the purpose of the survey

PK Verma, Deputy Director of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, says that “Along with information, our main objective of conducting the survey is to create awareness among people about this unique world of butterflies. Our aim is also to educate people about butterflies, to provide information about them that butterflies also play an important role in our ecosystem and they also have a unique world in Bandhavgarh.

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