By 2050, 40 million people will face threat to their lives due to this…

The threat of one virus after another is looming all over the world, in such a situation, according to a new study by researchers, now apart from viruses and bacteria, there is also a danger of losing millions of lives due to fungal infections. Fungal infection is gradually becoming a threat to the whole world and millions of lives will be lost due to it in the coming time. Due to fungal infection, the lives of 40 million people are in danger by 2050, study revealed. Due to fungal infection, 40 million people are in danger by 2050. danger to life

After the Covid pandemic, there has been a flood of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, although these diseases used to occur earlier also, but the extent of their impact that is being seen now has never been seen before. One virus after another, bacterial diseases are spreading across the world and proving fatal. Viruses like monkeypox, Zika virus, Nipah have become a cause of fear among people all over the world.

But according to a recent report, apart from viruses and bacteria, apart from viruses and bacteria, fungal infections are also in danger to the lives of lakhs of people. What does the study say? According to this study, there is difficulty in treating fungal infections due to antibiotic resistance. Medicines are not having any effect on these fungal infections, due to which there is a danger of 40 million people dying due to these infections by 2050. That is why it has been named a silent epidemic, because it will have a slow but fatal effect.

4 crore people will be affected by 2050. It has been told in this research that antibiotic resistance is the biggest reason for the increase in this infection, which is a matter of very serious concern for the world. This research published in The Lancet says that this infection will kill about 4 crore people by 2050. Therefore, we not only need to worry about bacteria but fungal infections will also prove to be no less fatal.

On this study, in the second high level meeting organized by the United Nations on Antimicrobial Resistance, it has been said that now all the research community, laboratories, medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies need to focus their attention on fungal infections beyond bacteria, otherwise these coming Will prove to be very lethal and dangerous in time. According to a biologist from Manchester University, fungal infections and antifungal resistance have always been ignored in global health discussions, whereas in the future it is a global health concern. Which still remains out of debate. Increasing threat of fungal infectionsCurrently, fungal infections affect 6.5 million people every year, resulting in the loss of 3.8 million lives.

The most dangerous of these is fungal infection in the lungs, which is more common in the elderly and people with weak immunity. Scientists believe that fungal infections are more challenging to treat than bacterial infections, making it difficult to develop effective drugs that only affect the fungus without harming human cells.

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