Child Care Tips: Give banana to small children in cold or not? If you also have this question in your mind then know the answer here…
Child Care Tips: In winter, parents take full care of their children, so that they do not fall ill. Because everyone's immunity becomes weak in winter, especially children. Even the slightest exposure to cold air causes cold and cough. To protect children from these diseases, it is most important for parents to know what they should and should not feed them. If you are feeding banana to your child during the cold season, then wait a bit and think whether it will make them sick. Today we will tell you how eating banana in winter can cause cold and cough in the child. How to protect yourself from this?
Nutrients found in banana
Banana contains nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Magnesium and carbohydrates. Which are beneficial for mental and physical development. In such a situation, if you do not give them banana then they will be deprived of these nutrients. The only need is to reduce the amount of banana in the diet.
Child Care Tips: Benefits of eating banana
Banana is an energy booster. The fiber found in it strengthens the digestion system. Also strengthens bones. Also, it is helpful in producing hemoglobin. Consuming it does not cause anemia.
How to give banana to children in winter
If you want to protect children from cold and cough in winter, that is why you are not giving banana, then it is not right. You can take some measures. For example, always make children sit in the sun and feed them banana. Give it 2-3 times a week instead of daily. Do not water immediately after feeding banana.
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