Children learn these bad habits from their family, parents should improve them today.

Small children are like lumps of clay, shaped like wet soil, in the same way, small children carry in their lives the good and bad things they have learned from their childhood days. Also, according to child psychologists, they cannot tell the difference. Children absorb the bad quicker than the good.

– Like sucking, this quality is also learned from the family from a young age, children are very interested in doing this work, even wherever the mother goes and whomever she talks to, the child keeps an eye on her. he forgets his age

– The child learns the habit of lying from his family, if he sees his parents or other family members doing something wrong then he hides it and gradually the child also starts lying to hide his mistake. .

– Children learn scolding from their family. They see that a family member uses rude language when he is angry and the other person becomes silent after hearing the rude language, hence the child also starts using rude language when he gets angry.

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