3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Financial Success The Week Of October 21 – 27, 2024

Chinese horoscopes for the week of October 21 – 27 reveal how each zodiac sign attracts success as they define it financially. Of course, three Chinese zodiac signs will attract the most financial success. However, everyone is encouraged to find one area of joy and lean into it for similar results. Because once you know what you want, nothing can stop you from attaining it.

This week, the I Ching hexagram for attracting financial success is Mountain over Lake (#41), changing to Heaven over Water (#6). It reminds us that being open-minded is great when enjoying life or exploring the world and all its wonders, but it’s a bad idea when you wish to succeed. So, make a list of your dreams and goals. Write down why this goal means so much to you, if it’s just one thing. You will stoke your inner fire when you do this. Set reminders to help you remain on track.

Choosing one path can close the door on others, but that’s OK. After all, the one who wishes to be an Olympic swimmer wouldn’t care so much about losing out on being a champion equestrian. If your idea of success is a life well lived, then you must lean hard into that and not judge yourself by the singular paths of others.

That’s a success, too, when it’s defined and held onto. Now, let’s focus on Horse, Ox, and Goat, the three Chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success from October 21 – 27.

Three Chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success between October 21 – 27, 2024:

1. Horse

Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Horse, your dance with success will be because of you and you alone. Every effort will lead to greatness. So don’t procrastinate! You have a cosmic window of opportunity here that will be the wind beneath your wings.

Specific areas of financial success for Horse:

Most of you will find success in budgeting. Whether you are budgeting for household goods and groceries, a vacation with the family, the accounts for a fledgling business, or a major dream or goal, you will thrive when you know your true priorities and what are just distractions.

Remedies for financial blocks:

Peer pressure is your greatest enemy at this time. So don’t let it take hold of you and your time/money. Instead, set healthy boundaries and keep practicing if you are not good at this.

Power color to attract money:

Violet and ultramarine will be powerful, especially if you connect them to your goals.

RELATED: Top 3 Most Powerful Chinese Zodiac Signs

2. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Ox, your success will stem from what can only be called your “truest essence.” So meditate and discover this. The path aligned with this will bring you victory.

Specific areas of financial success for Ox:

If you are in the healthcare industry, you will have tremendous success financially. So, too, will those of you who are dancers, stage performers, drivers, and nannies. Others will experience and attract success when you live from a long-term perspective instead of for short-term pleasures.

Remedies for financial blocks:

Some of you need to curate your social circle more carefully, whether this is online (on social media) or in real life. It will remove the blocks to success created by comparison yardsticks and the need to impress people who couldn’t care less.

Power color to attract money:

Red is your power color for the week. Try to incorporate it into your clothes and/or shoes for best results.

RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign’s Power Color, According To Astrology

3. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Goat, your family will be the reason behind your financial success. Those of you who are part of a family business are now about to experience a windfall regarding money and ideas for future success.

Specific areas of financial success for Goat:

If you are in the entertainment industry, you will experience great success and find your name mentioned in many good places. Others will experience this through their grapevine as they learn of new opportunities. Choose what matters to you, and let go of the rest.

Remedies for financial blocks:

For some of you, your financial blocks result from a single toxic presence in your life (although for a few of you, it’s more than one person). Whether this is a parent-in-law, a significant other who is an energy vampire, or a frenemy disguised as a best friend, you can remove this block only when you see clearly how it’s draining you and your vitality.

Power color to attract money:

Gold and green are your power colors for the week in the financial arena. If you feel called to (and if it’s relevant), send out communications or invitations in golden envelopes. That shall indirectly bring back wealth to you.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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