If you want to get rid of head itching, then mix these things in curd and apply, you will get relief from these problems too

Lifestyle News Desk – Do you know that consuming curd is not only beneficial for health, but apart from this, it can also help a lot in taking care of our beauty. The bacteria and nutrients found in curd are also very beneficial for your hair. It is no less than a miracle for hair. You can include curd in your hair care, as it also contains calcium, protein and vitamin B5 and vitamin D. Therefore, including it in food and applying it on hair can be beneficial for your health and hair. Where the calcium found in curd helps in keeping the hair healthy and their growth. The protein found in curd strengthens the hair, prevents them from breaking and helps in their growth. Along with this, the use of curd is also beneficial in reducing the problem of dandruff. The vitamin B5 and D present in it helps in nourishing the scalp. So let's know the benefits of applying curd on hair.

Yogurt can also be used to get rid of dandruff problem. If you have dandruff in your hair, then mix a few spoons of aloe vera gel or a few drops of lemon juice in yogurt and then apply it on your scalp and hair. Apply it on your hair for about 30 minutes and after drying, wash your hair with any anti-dandruff shampoo. By using this hair mask regularly, you will start seeing the difference in a few days.

Strong Hair
The high protein found in yogurt helps strengthen your hair and hair follicles from root to tip. Apply homemade yogurt twice a week, this will make your hair strong, shiny and thick.

Hair loss
Yogurt provides many nutrients to the hair follicles, making them stronger. Yogurt and fenugreek paste is a tried and tested method that can help a lot in reducing hair fall. Make a paste by soaking one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight, now mix it with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and apply it on your head. After 15 minutes, wash it gently with shampoo.

Using yogurt on your hair is one of the best ways to condition your hair. Applying the beneficial properties found in yogurt will make your hair look more shiny and bouncy. To get naturally healthy hair, all you have to do is apply yogurt from your scalp to the roots for about 30 to 45 minutes, then wash your hair with a normal mild shampoo.

Prevents scalp itching
Some of the most common hair problems are dryness and irritation. If itchy scalp is bothering you, take a cup of yogurt and add vegetable acid like the juice of one lemon or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. And apply it on the scalp. This will provide instant relief from itching.

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