This Navratri you can also make banana chips at home, here is the complete recipe

Recipe News Desk !!! – Eating food is also prohibited during Navratri fast. In such a situation, water chestnut flour, buckwheat flour, dishes made from sago etc. are eaten. Apart from these, raw banana chips are tasty as well as healthy. These can be eaten during fasting. Potassium, Vitamin B6, C etc. are present in raw banana. It works to nourish the cells. Apart from this, it works to strengthen the immune system. Let's know how to make banana chips…

केले की चिप्स


  • 2-3 raw bananas (unripe)
  • Oil (for frying)
  • salt to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder (optional)

banana chips recipe | सावन के व्रत में लें केले के चिप्स का स्वाद, जानिए  रेसिपी | Hindi News, फूड


  1. Preparation of bananas: Peel the raw banana and cut it into thin pieces. You can use a knife or a chips cutter.

  2. soaking in water: Soak the cut banana pieces in water for a few minutes, then drain the water. This will make the chips crispy.

  3. Heat oil for frying: Heat enough oil in a pan.

  4. Fry the chips: Slowly add the banana pieces to the hot oil. Fry them until they are golden and crispy.

  5. Add salt and spices: When the chips are fried, remove them on a tissue paper to absorb the excess oil. Then, sprinkle salt and red chili powder (if using) on ​​top.

  6. Servings: Your banana chips are ready! Serve them with tea or as a snack.

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