Adopt these daily habits and you can live 24 years longer, know how

Health News Desk,Due to wrong eating habits and bad lifestyle, people nowadays are dying at a young age. However, if you adopt some healthy lifestyle, then your age can increase not by one or two years but by 24 years. We are not saying this, but this has come to light in a recent survey. According to research, if you start following 8 healthy habits, then you can live 24 years more. Let us know in detail all the information related to this research.

What does the new study say?
The study presented at Nutrition 2023, the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, states that if you follow certain habits, life span can be increased even in middle age. A survey conducted on 7 lakh people showed that the lifespan of men who adopted healthy habits increased by 24 years and that of women by 21 years. According to the researchers, if you adopt these habits even at the age of 40, 50 and 60, it can be beneficial for you. Suppose the researchers used the data and medical records of 7,19,147 people enrolled in this research. , These people were associated with the Veterans Affairs Million Veterans Program, which aims to assist researchers in research on the relationship between genes, lifestyle, military experience, healthy lifestyle and health.

What are these 8 healthy habits?
According to the researchers, being physically active, engaging in physical activity, avoiding smoking, reducing stress, eating healthy food, avoiding regular alcohol consumption, getting enough sleep, socializing, interacting, all these healthy habits can increase your life expectancy. The researchers found that people who adopted all these eight habits had an 87% reduction in mortality rate compared to others.

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