Sugar spikes test is very important for diabetes patients, know how to get it done

Health News Desk: Diabetes is increasing rapidly due to poor lifestyle and eating habits. Earlier diabetes used to affect people only after the age of 50, but now people are falling prey to this disease at the age of 30. If you want to keep diabetes away from yourself, then it is most important to improve your lifestyle. A person suffering from this disease should keep checking his blood sugar level daily. Blood sugar spikes test is also important.

When should a blood sugar test be done?
Diabetes can occur if the sugar level in the blood remains high for a long time. Therefore, spikes test should also be done every two or three days. Doctors say that diabetes patients must get their sugar level checked before eating and after lunch. If the sugar level is high after lunch, it means that you should change your diet. In such a situation, carbs with low glycemic index should be consumed in the diet. Eating coarse grains and green vegetables is more beneficial.

Exercise will help
After checking the sugar spikes, if the sugar level is high then you should do physical exertion. Do exercise-workout daily. You should do light exercise at home or in the park. Yoga and Pranayam are very beneficial. Apart from this, drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily to keep the body hydrated.

Do not delay medications
Diabetes patients should keep taking their medicines on time. Do not take medicines late. Along with this, correct your lifestyle as well. Fix a time for sleeping and waking up. Take at least 8 hours of sleep. By following the rules, you can control blood sugar.

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