At this time the problem of Myopia is increasing rapidly in young children, know the reasons and remedies

Health News Desk,Nowadays children spend most of their time on mobile, laptop, TV screen. Due to which many types of damages are seen on health. Some children eat so much chips, toffees, namkeen and junk food that they start having problems like obesity and diabetes in childhood itself. Apart from this, the risk of myopia is also increasing continuously in children these days. This is a problem in which distant objects appear blurred. This is quite common in children as well as adults. Here we are telling 5 natural ways, by adopting which this problem will be reduced naturally.

1) Drink enough water and sleep
To keep the eyes healthy, it is important to keep the body hydrated. Getting enough sleep is very important for health. Doing this provides relief to the eyes and helps in relieving irritation.

2) Protect your eyes from the sun
Wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays and help slow down myopia if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

3) Eat healthy food
Try to eat lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Your eyes will benefit if you include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna and salmon in your diet.

4) Reduce eye strain
Taking breaks from looking at screens and resting your eyes can help slow down myopia.

5) Do not smoke
This problem is not only faced by children but also by young people. In such a situation, smokers should avoid this habit. Most youngsters like to smoke. Some do it due to stress and some do it to fit in the culture. It is wrong in both the ways and should be completely avoided.

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