The risk of head cancer is increasing continuously in the country, know the symptoms and prevention

Health News Desk,There are many types of cancer. But in recent years, head and neck cancer has become the sixth most common cancer worldwide. The most surprising thing is that 57.5 percent of the cases have been registered in Asia. India in particular is a country where more cases of this cancer have been seen. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, its number is expected to increase by 50-60 percent by the year 2040.

Another shocking thing that has come to light in this report is that this cancer is seen more in men. It is at the fourth place among women. People between the ages of 60 and 70 are more affected by this cancer. At the same time, 24 to 33 percent of people between the ages of 20 and 50 are suffering from this cancer. At the same time, there is also a fear that in the coming times, this cancer will spread rapidly among the youth as well. The main cause of this cancer is bad lifestyle, increasing age, tobacco, smoking, alcohol addiction.

Symptoms of head and neck cancer

The symptoms of these cancers vary. Due to which different types of symptoms start appearing in different bodies. Due to this, difficulty in speaking and swallowing is the main symptom of cancer. In India, 60-70 percent of patients come in the advanced stage, which has a dangerous effect on the body. Tobacco (smoked or chewable form), alcohol, betel nut (pan masala), and dietary malnutrition are common etiological factors that can cause throat and neck cancer.

Lack of vitamins A, C, E, iron, selenium and zinc in food also increases the risk of cancer. Too much salt in food, grilled barbecue meat, too much frozen food can also cause cancer. Excessive exposure to sunlight and viruses like HPV, EBV, herpes and HIV also increase the risk of cancer. It can also be a genetic cause of cancer. If there is a history of head and neck cancer in one's family, the risk of getting this disease increases by 3.5 or 3.8 percent.

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