Before marriage, you should also visit these 7 places, otherwise you may regret it later

Travel News Desk !!! Ladakh is a beautiful place where the mountains and valleys will touch your heart. If you are going there then there are some special places which you should not miss. These places will make your trip even more fun and memorable. Today we will tell you about the most beautiful and famous places in Ladakh. So let's know about those places which will make your Ladakh trip even better.

शादी से पहले आप भी घूम लें इन 7 जगहों पर, कहीं बाद में पछताते न रह जाए आप

This lake is located on the border of India and China and is very famous for its beauty. The view of the blue water of the lake and the surrounding mountains is very captivating. When you go there, you will see that nature has presented its best example of art here. This lake along with the natural scenery around it creates a spectacular view, which attracts any tourist. This is really a place worth seeing. This valley is known for its sand dunes and camel rides. You will be surprised to see the beautiful view here. When you roam in this valley, your mind will be delighted to see this amazing beauty of nature. This place makes you experience natural peace and beauty.

शादी से पहले आप भी घूम लें इन 7 जगहों पर, कहीं बाद में पछताते न रह जाए आप

Leh Palace gives a glimpse of the history and culture of Ladakh. This old palace is very special because from its roof you can see a very beautiful view of Leh city. When you go here, you will understand the old stories and beauty of Ladakh. This place is as good to look at as it is interesting. Kardung La Pass is one of the highest hiking routes in the world. The view of the high Himalayan peaks from here is very special. When you go here, you will love to see these beautiful mountain peaks. This place is really worth visiting. This Buddhist monastery is the largest in Ladakh and is famous for the Hemis festival held here. Beautiful paintings and sculptures can be seen in the monastery. These places reflect the beauty of Ladakh. So when you go to Ladakh, definitely visit these places. This will make your trip even more memorable.

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