Let's know why cases of heart attack are increasing among the youth

New Delhi, September 25 (IANS). Earlier, cases of heart attack were seen only in older people, but in today's fast-paced life, the speed with which it is affecting the youth is such that every second youth in India is worried about it. The only question in the mind of every youth is what changes should be made in their lifestyle so that they can keep themselves safe from heart attack.

Doctors say that heart attacks are common among young people due to reduced or blocked blood flow. This type of condition occurs when fat and cholesterol accumulate in the coronary arteries.

In medical terms, this accumulation is called 'plaque'. Accumulation of plaque can narrow the arteries. This reduces blood flow. This is why cases of heart attack are seen in young people.

Doctors explain many reasons behind heart disease.

Generally, the risk of heart attack in youth can increase due to poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, consumption of oily substances, junk food. Cases of heart attack in youth can also increase due to lack of sleep.

Doctors say that if you exercise for half an hour every day, you can reduce the risk of heart attack to a great extent. Use fruits, green vegetables, whole grains in your diet and avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and consuming cigarettes, because the consumption of such substances increases the risk of heart attack.

At the same time, lack of sleep also increases the risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is essential for every person to sleep for 7-8 hours every day. Apart from this, keep getting tests done for high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol from time to time, this will help you know about your health conditions.



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