Do spirits really start wandering in Kuldhara as soon as the evening falls? Ajay Devgan's film Kacche Dhaage was shot here

Entertainment News Desk – Kuldhara village is located about 18 km from Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. There is a mystery in this village which has been tried to be solved but it is still unsolved. There is a mystery buried here which no one has been able to understand, according to local elders, hundreds of spirits have been wandering in Kuldhara for years and this village is still associated with a curse. For your information, let us tell you that many films like Ajay Devgan and Saif Ali Khan's film Kachche Dhaage, Kaalo and Agent Vinod have been shot in this village.

What is the story of Kuldhara village
There are many such haunted places in Rajasthan, but there is probably no other place in the whole of India around Kuldhara. Kuldhara's deserted, narrow streets, houses turned into ruins, bushes growing in between are enough to scare anyone. Kuldhara is located at a distance of 17 kilometers from Jaisalmer. Now there is nothing left here except ruins, but it was not always like this, there was a time when the houses here used to be inhabited. There used to be laughter in the houses. The fields used to be green. But everything changed in one night. No one knows where thousands of people went, but before leaving they cursed this place in such a way that it could never be inhabited again.

Do spirits really start wandering in Kuldhara as soon as the evening falls? Ajay Devgan's film Kacche Dhaage was shot here
What is the history of Kuldhara village
It is believed that people of the Paliwal Brahmin community settled this village on the banks of the Saraswati River. During that time, this village used to be very bustling. Hundreds of families were living comfortably on the land of Kuldhara. Suddenly this village became empty overnight. Since then it has been deserted, but today the situation is such that no person is afraid to wander here even at night. Even after so many years, no human has settled here. Because of this, all the houses and temples built here are turning into deserted ruins.

Who takes care of Kuldhara village
The Archaeological Survey of India is responsible for the maintenance of the haunted village Kuldhara. A large number of tourists visit here during the day. Kuldhara was spread over a vast area. There were about 85 small settlements of Paliwal Brahmins in this area. Now all the huts of the village have been broken and turned into ruins. There is also a temple of a goddess here, which has now turned into ruins. There is also a stone inscription in this village, which can provide information about the people who lived here earlier.

Do spirits really start wandering in Kuldhara as soon as the evening falls? Ajay Devgan's film Kacche Dhaage was shot here
Kuldhara village is full of peace

But when you go to Kuldhara village, you get to see the beauty of this place, you will find ruins all around the village which used to be houses in old times. You get peace here because there is no noise of any kind here, you can roam around the whole Kuldhara village, sit here for some time and this place is the best place to click photos.

Do spirits really start wandering in Kuldhara as soon as the evening falls? Ajay Devgan's film Kacche Dhaage was shot here
How to reach Kuldhara Village
To reach Kuldhara village, you have to go by your own vehicle or you have to book a vehicle because it does not seem that any bus runs here. When you go to this village, you get to see a very beautiful view on the road, you will find mostly stone houses in Jaisalmer, which are very beautiful to look at. You will find a deserted place here far and wide and you will also get to see a windmill. When you reach this village, you have to go 1 km from the entry gate to go to this village. Here you will also find a cactus garden but people do not go to this garden. You can see it if you want. There is a canteen facility in a van from where you can take food items but you have to take care to throw the garbage in the dustbin only. Kuldhara site is very clean, there is not much dirt here. You should also note that you will not get the facility of washroom here.

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