Are you also always troubled by fear and anxiety? How to control it? Do Lion Pose daily, know the way to do it.

Lifestyle News Desk,Yoga postures affect not only physical but also mental effects. If she starts getting scared even in small situations and her confidence starts wavering. So make a habit of doing Simhasana i.e. Lion Pose every day. Doing this yoga pose will not only give relief from fear and anxiety but also from so many problems.

Benefits of practicing throne or lion pose
-There is fear on every small or big thing and one starts feeling weakness. So one should practice throne or lion pose.
-Doing lion pose helps in giving correct shape to the face.
-People who suffer from neck stiffness or sprain. They benefit from doing lion pose and get relief from pain and stiffness in the neck muscles.
-If symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety start appearing in the body, then such people should practice Simhasana regularly.
-Prevents mental diseases from progressing.
-It also provides relief from problems like teeth grinding and stomach upset.

How to do throne or lion pose
-To do Lion Pose, first sit in Vajrasana posture.
– Spread the thighs parallel to the shoulders.
-Keep the palms forward on the ground. But keep in mind that the palms should be upside down, meaning the fingers should be towards you.
-Now look between the eyebrows with the help of both eyes.
-Put out your tongue and make a lion-like sound from your throat.
-Do this exercise for a few seconds every day. This will help in improving your mental health and drive away fear and anxiety.

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