If you are jumping rope to lose weight, then take these precautions

Lifestyle News Desk,If you want to do any one exercise to lose weight fast then jumping rope is the most effective. Apart from weight loss, if you jump rope daily, it is also beneficial for bone strength and heart health. But before jumping rope, one should know the correct way and precautions to do it. Due to which not only will you get full benefit but there will also be no risk of injury to the body.

Know the right way to jump rope
-For jumping rope, always take a rope 3 feet longer than your height.
-If you are going to jump rope for the first time, choose a light rope. Do not choose plastic rope. There is a risk of injury due to this and there is less control over it.
-Jump rope continuously for about 30 seconds. Then rest for 60 seconds and then jump rope again with both legs. Repeat like this.
-But jump rope less in the beginning. Gradually increase the number of jumps.
Similarly, jump rope in running style for about 30 seconds. Then rest for 90 seconds and repeat again.
-A lot of practice is necessary before doing cross jumping jacks. Do it only then.

Precautions while jumping rope
-People who have heart problems should not jump rope even by mistake. Because jumping rope makes the heart beat very fast. Which is not good for the weak hearted.
-In case of surgery, jump rope only on the advice of the doctor.
-People who have problems related to bones. Arthritis, joint pain, swelling or weak bones. They should not jump rope. Even if you want to jump, consult a doctor first. Then jump.
-Even if your weight is very high, do not practice jumping rope first. In this, the weight of the entire body falls on the feet. In such a situation, there is a fear of getting hurt. First lose weight with the help of other exercises and stretching and then jump rope.

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