Know how wrong exercise can be dangerous for the body, know the right way to do it

Health News Desk- Age may be just a number for many people, but it is something that cannot be ignored. Age reflects growth, development and maturity. The demands and needs of the body also change with age. In such a situation, to keep your body healthy and fit, you can choose exercise and diet according to your age. Many people choose such exercises to stay fit, which can harm the body instead of providing benefits. Wrong exercise also increases the risk of injury. A middle-aged person's exercises may be much simpler and less energy intensive than those of a teenager. Choosing exercise according to age can provide countless benefits to the body. Let us know which exercise should be chosen according to age.

Exercises for people aged 20-30
At this age a person's body is strong and flexible. According to Health Shots, 20 to 30 years of age is considered to be the perfect age to develop a fitness foundation. At this age, try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. As we age, the strength of the muscles and bones of the body decreases. Therefore, it is important to give priority to strength training in the daily routine. There will be no harm in losing muscle even at an older age compared to strength training.

What is best for people in the age group 30-40?
During this period the muscle mass of the body starts decreasing. Weight training becomes even more important at this age. Lifting weights, working out in the gym, working out under the guidance of a coach and taking the help of videos can prove useful. Bones start becoming weak with age. 30 to 40 years of age is perfect for strengthening bones. This exercise should be done three to five days a week for 30 minutes.

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