''Hammer, murder and murderer'' Did Shankar really commit more than 70 murders just for the fun of it? See the whole truth in the video

Rajasthan News Desk!!! Year 1973, Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan, it would be five-thirty in the morning, shift change was taking place in Sadulshahr police station of the district, then the phone rang, when the constable picked up the phone, the ground slipped under his feet, the news came that in the night Three people were murdered in the Gurudwara, when the police reached there they saw that the dead bodies of the Gurudwara servant and his two sons were lying on the ground.

The murderer had murdered them so brutally that the blood of all three had dried up. When the police carefully looked at the three bodies, they found that they had been hit with some heavy object below their ears. After which the police did not take long to understand that these three murders are related to the series of murders which have been spreading terror in the surrounding areas for some time.

This was a serial killing which was carried out by a serial killer known as Kanpatimar Killer. From the name itself Kanpatimar it is clear that this killer used to kill people by attacking their temples. This killer was so vicious that he had killed many people at more than 10 places. Still, the police did not even have its photo or appearance in the name of identification. During his entire criminal life, this killer had killed 70 people, we are going to tell you the horrifying story of Kanpatimar, the most dangerous serial killer not only of Rajasthan but of India.

If a single person has killed many people and there is no clear motive for these murders, then it is known as serial killings. Such killers choose random targets and commit murders. In most of the cases, there is no common link between the murders, due to which it becomes difficult to find out what was the real motive for committing the crime. Same thing happened in the case of Kanpatimar Killer.

In the 70s, when on one hand the clouds of war with Pakistan were gathering in the country, on the other hand fear was spreading in the areas of Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. If you are from any rural area of ​​North India, then it is possible that you might have heard words like Munnochwa or Chotikatwa. Munnochwa or Chotikatwa were famous for ambushing and attacking in the dark of night. In most of the cases these incidents were limited to theft and robbery. But the Kanpatimar killer of Rajasthan did not leave his victim until he took his life. This killer used to lurk in the dark of night, covered with a blanket. The hammer was hidden in his blanket. As soon as it found a single human being, it would attack just below the ear. The area just below the ear is delicate. In such a situation, one or two blows of the hammer are enough to destroy someone. Kanpatimar was attacking one after another. But the police had no information about who he was and where he was.

This was the period when things like surveillance and forensic science were not much in vogue. The police had neither a name nor any description to identify the murderer. There was only the testimony of some people who escaped from the killer's attack, who also simply told that this serial killer attacks in ambush in the dark of night by covering himself with a blanket. Then the biggest turning point in this matter came in the year 1973, when three people were murdered by Kanpatimar in a Gurudwara in Sriganganagar. SP Shyam Pratap Singh started investigating this case and after a lot of interrogation, a clue was found. It was learned that on the day of the murder, a man was seen walking on the railway track towards Sadulshahr railway station. However, no one could find out who he was, where he came from and where he went.

In a small area like Sadulshahr, most of the people knew each other, so it was certain that the person seen near the railway line in the morning was not a local. The story of investigation progressed further and reached Sadulshahr railway station, where the railway staff present told that a ticket was issued from Sadulshahr to Bathinda early in the morning. When the police reached Bathinda, it was found that a ticket had been issued from there also for Sadulshahr. This confirmed to the police that the person who had bought the ticket definitely had some connection with this murder. But finding this killer without name, identity and appearance was an impossible task for the police.

After this, the police, adopting the oldest method of investigation, called for questioning all those people who had ever encountered this deadly killer. The police knew only one thing that the killer was seen wearing a blanket, but to attack the victim, he would have had to remove the blanket. It is not possible to attack someone like this without removing the blanket. In such a situation, the police found a victim who had seen the face of the Kanpatimar killer. While he was passing through a deserted road, he was attacked by the Kanpatimar Killer, during which his blanket fell down and the man saw the killer's face. After this, the police interrogated all the victims one by one separately and a sketch was prepared based on their appearance. After interrogating all the witnesses separately, it became clear that from Punjab to Rajasthan, all the incidents of suicide by hammering were committed by the same person.

But the mystery was still unsolved that what is the location of the killer? The scope of the crime was spread over a large area and it was not possible to search the entire area. So the police narrowed down the scope of their search operation. The police now started keeping an eye on such places and roads which were deserted and where it was easy for such a killer to commit a murder. Many nights passed but there was no trace of the Kanpatimar killer. Then in the year 1979, a person was caught by the police.

One night when the police was on patrol in a deserted area of ​​Jaipur. The police saw that a shadow was walking on the road. Who hid behind a tree on the roadside as soon as he saw the police. Then he took out a blanket and covered himself with it. At first the police thought that he was a soldier of their team. But the police did not come with blankets.

The police waited for some time, then the person hiding behind the tree came out wrapped in a blanket and this time the police caught him. However, it was not yet confirmed whether this Kanpatimar is the killer or not. When he was taken to the police station and interrogated, he revealed his name to be Shankaria. Also mentioned an address of Jaipur. When the police investigated the given address, they found Shankaria's parents there, which confirmed that he was telling the truth.

The police interrogated him a little more, Shankaria was asked that there is a fear of killers in the entire state, more than 60 people have been murdered. In such a situation, where was he roaming alone with a blanket? The police were suspicious of him. But no weapon was found with him. Whereas, in the post-mortem report of those who were killed, it was clear that they had been hit on the head with something like a hammer. The police did not find any such hammer from Shankaria.

The police kept interrogating him for several days and he kept giving vague answers. Then one day when the police asked him that 60 people had been murdered, did you do it? Shankaria's reply to this shocked the police. He said sir, I have killed not 60 but 70. Annoyed by the police's questions, he replied that yes, I am the Kanpatimar killer. The police were still not sure that a 25-year-old slim, good-looking boy could do this. The police asked him about the hammer. Shankaria took the police to the same place where he was hiding and during the search, he took out a hammer from behind the bush and placed it in front of the police.

This confirmed that Shankaria was the murderer. When the police asked his parents about his routine, they told that he mostly stayed at home, but sometimes went out late at night to meet friends. On insistence by the police, Shankaria slowly started spilling the beans. He remembered the date of 50 out of 70 murders. However, the police could present evidence of only 63 murders out of 70 in the court. When Shankaria was asked the reason for these murders, he told that when he hit people with a hammer, they used to scream. He enjoyed this. At one place he says that the screams of those who died sounded like a musical tune to him.

Shankaria's crime came in the category of rare of the rare. Therefore his case first reached Rajasthan High Court and then Supreme Court. But everywhere he was sentenced to death. He filed a mercy petition before the President but that too was rejected. Finally, Shankaria was hanged on May 16, 1979.

The special thing about Shankaria case was that it was one of the speediest trials in the history of the country. In which death penalty was given. He was caught in January 1979 and hanged in May. Then Shankaria was only 27 years old. According to Paul Simpson's book, The Serial Killer Files, before he died, Shankaria was ashamed of his actions. Shortly before he died, he told a policeman about the murders he had committed. She was unnecessary. I don't want anyone to be like me.

Shankaria was gone, although the fear of Kanpatimar remained for many years in the areas of North India. Whenever a murder case comes to light, the first rumor to spread is that Shaktimar has come again. This case of serial killing is the story of the most dreaded crime of the country. Which is still heard in Rajasthan. Some time ago, the character of Hathoda Tyagi in the Patallok series released on Amazon was based on Kanpatimar Shankaria.

So friends, this was the story of the most dreaded serial killer of Rajasthan, thanks for watching the video, if you liked this video then please give your opinion by commenting, subscribe to the channel, like the video, and share with your friends and family. Please share this.

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