After all, how does the police team track the phone?

After all, how does the police team track the phone?

After all, how does the police team track the phone?

How is e-tracking done?

Often you must have heard that the police has tracked the phone. But do you know how the police searches the phone.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?

location track

Actually, the police adopts many methods and tools to track the location of the mobile.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?


International Mobile Subscriber Identity is a unique number of the SIM card, which can be tracked and located.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?


If GPS is enabled in the mobile, its location can be tracked directly through satellite. Many apps use GPS, and with their permission police can obtain location data.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?


Every mobile phone has a unique IMEI number. Police can track the phone through IMEI, even if the SIM card has been changed.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?

Wi-Fi IP address

When a mobile phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network, its location can be tracked through Wi-Fi. Location data can be obtained from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) based on IP addresses.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?


If the person is in a public place and is using the phone, he can be identified by combining camera footage and mobile activity.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?


Records of calls and SMS are obtained from the mobile service provider. The phone is tracked by analyzing the called number and location data.

After all, how does the police team track the phone?

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