Can bathing with cold water in winter really be the cause of heart attack, know the advice of health experts

Health News Desk,The shivering winters have started increasing the chill. Don't feel like getting out of the quilt early in the morning. Bathing seems to be the most difficult task in this season. Most people take bath with hot water but some people have to take bath with cold water. If you also do this then be careful, because it will not only cause problems like cold, cough, cold but can also lead to heart attack. Don't be surprised, it is true. Bathing with cold water in winter can cause heart attack. Therefore one should avoid making such mistakes. Let us know the reason for this…

Heart risk increases in winter

The risk of heart related diseases increases in winter. Actually, the heart has to work harder to keep the body warm in cold weather. It is more risky for those people who are already vulnerable to some heart disease. A study published in the Public Library of Science journal suggests that if someone already has heart problems, their risk of heart attack increases by 31% in cold weather. In such a situation, there is a need to take extra care of the heart in this season. One should never make the mistake of bathing with cold water.

Why bathing with cold water is dangerous for the heart?

Health experts say that it is often heard that cold water is safe. Taking bath with this removes tension and makes the body active. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. On the contrary, it can only cause serious harm. If someone has the problem of high blood pressure, diabetes or has ever suffered a brain stroke or heart attack, then bathing with cold water can be dangerous for them. This can cause heart attack or brain stroke.

How bathing with cold water can cause heart attack

Health experts say that cold water can suddenly increase blood pressure, which reduces blood flow and narrows the arteries. If the arteries are already narrowed due to fat, then they will become narrower after exposure to cold water, which can lead to brain stroke or heart attack. Therefore, one should not make the mistake of bathing with cold water in winter.

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