Those who sleep for too long should be careful, improve their habits, otherwise you may have to suffer big losses.

Health News Desk,Our elders recommend sleeping and waking up before Brahma Muhurta i.e. sunrise. It is not easy for many people to do this after today's lifestyle and everyday hustle and bustle. People's daily routine has completely changed. Many people sleep late at night and stay asleep till late in the morning. People who do this follow the advice of their elders to wake up early, otherwise they may face serious health problems (side effects of excessive sleep). Sleeping too many hours can make your body a victim of many diseases. Its 5 disadvantages are very dangerous…

5 serious disadvantages of sleeping late

1. Mental health will remain poor
Those who sleep late in the morning can have a serious impact on their mental health. According to health experts, those who do this may increase problems like irritability, depression and mood swings, which can have serious consequences.

2. Problems related to digestion
Sleeping till late in the morning can have a serious impact on your digestive system. This makes the bowl work slowly. Due to which the problem of constipation may occur. Apart from this, people who stay up late may also have to face the problem of piles.

3. You will have heart problems
People who sleep till late in the morning do not get enough sunlight and the hormones of the body start losing balance. This can also increase blood pressure level and cholesterol level. This can cause many serious heart diseases.

4. Obesity
People who have the habit of sleeping and staying awake for long hours have a very low metabolic rate. Because of this, it becomes difficult to burn calories after eating anything. Due to this, fat starts accumulating in the body and this can increase obesity.

5. Diabetes
The problem of high blood pressure is seen in people who wake up late, which is why diabetes can make you its victim. When someone wakes up late, his sugar level can become very low. This may cause appetite related problems. Imbalance in diet can increase the risk of diabetes.

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